Dr. Martin Hanzl, MSc (WU), LL.M. (IT Law)

Partner, Attorney at law, Head of NewTech

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Legal500 recommended lawyer EY Law Austria
Category: IP and TMT


  • New Technologies (Tokens, Crypto Assets, MiCAR; Artificial Intelligence, AI Act & AI Liability Regime),
  • Mergers & Acquistitons, Startups & Financing Rounds
  • IP & IT Law (Software- and Licence contracts)


  • Since September 2023 Advisory Committee Member of the project Succession of Digital Assets, Data and other Digital Remains des European Law Institute
  • Since December 2021 Head of New Technologies at EY Law – Pelzmann Gall Größ Rechtsanwälte GmbH
  • Since April 2021 lecturer at the Anwaltsakademie (AWAK) on IP/IT & New Technologies
  • Since December 2021 attorney-at-law at EY Law – Pelzmann Gall Größ Rechtsanwälte GmbH
  • Since March 2020 Co-Reporter and project responsibility of the project Blockchain & Smart Contracts des European Law Institute
  • Associate at EY Law – Pelzmann Gall Größ Rechtsanwälte GmbH (2018 – 2021)
  • Since February 2019 Lecturer at FH Campus Vienna (Blockchain-Technology)
  • Student Research Assistant at the Institute of Civil- and Business Law at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, chair Univ.-Prof. Dr. Florian Schuhmacher, LL.M. (2014-2017)


  • Austrian Bar exam August 2020 with honours
  • Court internship at the District Court Bruck/Leitha, Criminal Court Vienna, Commercial Court Vienna (2017)
  • University of Vienna (Mag.iur. 2016, Dr.iur. 2019 summa cum laude)
  • Vienna University of Economics and Business (BSc 2014, MSc 2016 with honours)
  • University of Vienna (Die Presse scholarship holder; LL.M. 2020 with honours)
  • Decentralized Autonomous Organization („DAO“) – Notwendigkeit eines neuen Gesellschaftstyps? ÖJZ 2019, 293, see here
  • Smart Contracts – die intelligente Art Verträge zu schließen? Zak 2018, 127 – with Tamara Rubey; see here
  • Blockchain – frischer Wind im Gesellschaftsrecht? GesRZ 2018, 102 – with Tamara Rubey; see here
  • Blockchain – Technologie und Datenschutzgrundverordnung – Anwendungsfragen, RdW 2018, 485 – with Jeannette Gorzala
  • Mining – Bergbau oder doch alternatives Investment in das Schürfen von Kryptowährungen, ÖBA 2018, 560 – with Jeannette Gorzala
  • Alles Blockchain – Arbeitsrecht 4.0? ecolex 2018, 690 – with Lisa Geißler; see here
  • The Smartest Contracts. Was es bei der Abwicklung von Smart Contracts zu beachten gilt. Zak 2018, 184 – with Tamara Rubey
  • Glückauf! Mining von Kryptowährungen zwischen GesbR und Glücksvertrag. ÖJZ 2018, 845 – with Jeannette Gorzala
  • Handbuch Blockchain und Smart Contracts, Linde Verlag, 2020
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